Tuesday, September 9, 2008


If your mobile phone could do anything in the world, what would you want it to do?

That's the question Google asked developers last year. And they got some really freakin' cool answers. The idea here is the google isn't making a gphone, but an iphone-killing operating system that can be ported to any phone. The best part is that it's open source - opening the door for all the linux nerds out there to go to town on amazing applications.

Among my favorites from the winners: An app that lets you take a picture of a barcode, then gives you prices and reviews of the item. A media player that downloads lyrics and video with your songs. And a picture-based navigation system that lets users review and recommend locations.

Pretty sweet, right? That's not even the best part. There was a contest, and there's going to be another. Grand prize: $275,000 to the top 10 teams.

Needless to say, Kat's seeing stars... and possibly a super awesome honors project. Now all I need is an original idea for an app. And permission from the department to make this thing my life.

For those who are interested in the non-programming side of this awesomeness, rumor has it the first phone will be out in October or November - just in time for Christmas. It's called the Dream, and it should be contracted through T Mobile. Luckily, I have a Sprint contract that's set to expire in late October. Can't wait to own one!


Anonymous said...

if my phone could do anything, I would want it to make phone calls.