Sunday, September 7, 2008

So tonight one of my roommates asked me if, in regard to the name of my new blog, I had given up on men. In case anyone else is wondering that, the answer is emphatically "no". I'm bisexual, and I don't expect that to change. It's a name of convenience, not sexual rediscovery - "Bi Girl Geek" just didn't have the same ring to it, nor can it be converted to a Savage Love reference.

I guess that begs the question of why I'm not just GirlGeek. In the first place, I assumed (rightly) that that name would be taken. But beyond that, my bi-ness is a large part of my personality and what I want to discuss here. I look at gender differently than anyone else I've ever met, and that certainly effects how I look at my role as a girl geek. I think that as a girl who likes girls, I've had an easier time assimilating into the male geek culture. But my perspective is also not that of a lesbian geek - I've dated and had crushes on my fair share of guy geeks. So the bottom line here is that I think I have a pretty unique perspective on this whole thing. And as my loyal readers you'll get to hear all about that. :-)

I'm sure there will be much more on this topic in the future. But for now, I need sleep.


Anonymous said...

How so do you look at gender differently? I'm intrigued, we've never discussed this before. And I must say, this blog is interesting to follow...sadly you're a computer geek and not a chem geek like myself, but geek girls must stick together. Keep writing, my dear, some of us are listening.